Thoughts are like skipping stones on a quiet lake. If you don't write them down ...kerplunk.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I am so very thankful...

Another Thanksgiving Day and my mind is listing all that I am thankful for... my work, my country, my art, my terrific kids, all my friends and my sweet wife Connie who fills my life and me with love.
...and thanks to God!

Friday, November 4, 2011

big bad Bruce...

I have been Bruce all of my life.
My mother used to say with a smile
if I had been a girl, my name would be Nancy

Through my early years no one that I knew...
had the name Bruce
I was not ashamed but not at all proud
sometime during my high school years
a song called “Big Bad Bruce” hit the radio
not even fully understanding the implications of this ballad
I would sing along... for this was a song about Bruce

now... since Springsteen, Lee and Willis
I have matured some and Bruce aint so bad!