Thoughts are like skipping stones on a quiet lake. If you don't write them down ...kerplunk.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I suffer from GPDD

Yes, GPDD.  I have been diagnosed... and with several second opinions.
It can be very serious and in my case it is.  The symptoms show up daily.
"Geo Positional Dissatisfaction Disorder"
This is not the old... "Where ever you go, there you are".
No, this is where ever you are, you wish you were somewhere else and you wish you were doing something different.
 If I'm sweeping leaves off the roof or the sidewalk, working at the office, even while I'm talking to people (not my wife, my kids or any one I know that might be reading this), my mind is off traveling to some exotic destination, like walking on a beach, hiking in the mountains, thinking of imagery to create a new photograph.

This is not so unusual.  It's called daydreaming.
Where this disorder creeps into my life is when I'm actually on vacation, or I'm actually walking on the beach or hiking in the mountains... my mind is chunking about all the things I have to do back at the office.  Oh... and all those leaves I need to sweep.  I need a vacation to free-up my mind.
The doctor says, there is no treatment for GPDD.  HiHo